Abandoned at Birth, Now Reunited with Officer Who Saved Him

This incredible story speaks volumes about the power of forgiveness.

Jeanette Green May 11, 2015
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We live in a world filled with tragedy. Just recently, an earthquake devastated Nepal, and my heart aches for those families who are now trying to pick up the pieces of their lives. As I was scanning the internet and reading stories and updates, I came across an article about a baby boy who was abandoned 25 years ago. This story reminded me of all the good in the world. It is true that this small baby began his life in a much less than ideal situation; however, what has come of it all is quite beautiful. Read the article, or watch the news clip, and decide for yourself what can be learned from this man’s experience.

For myself, I was touched by the power of forgiveness and love. Robin Barton was abandoned at birth.  Twenty-five years later, he not only met with the police officer who saved him, but  also expressed his desire to meet his birth mother. He wants to let her know that he forgives her. He has no bad feelings towards her, and it’s clear he has a compassionate heart. When Robin was a tiny little baby, he was wrapped and protected in love. He was quickly adopted by a couple who, according to Robin, provided a wonderful home. His mother and father took care of him, loved him, and nurtured him to be a brave and remarkable young man. I’m not sure exactly what their home was like, but I can only imagine it was filled with an immense amount of love. Love has the power to erase all hurt, and it certainly seems that Robin has had a life full of kindness and love.

I can’t help but think of Robin’s birth mother. I hope that one day he finds her and can share his heart with her. I hope he has that closure. And that she can have that closure as well. I wonder if that decision has haunted her over the years. Or if she has tried to shut it out so she could move forward. Whatever new experiences she’s had, I do hope that love has helped replace some of the hurt and pain in her own life. I hope that they connect in person. And if not…that she comes across his story on the news or online, and she can accept the forgiveness he is extending.

I believe what we can all learn from Robin Barton’s story, however, is that when we can fill our hearts with love, forgiveness comes naturally.

And…when we can forgive…our hearts are filled with even more life-changing love.

Jeanette Green

Jeanette Green is a mother to three beautiful children--two through the blessing of adoption. She is a firm believer that we never walk alone, the sun continues to shine even when we can’t feel its rays, and you can’t get sick from raw cookie dough. Various life experiences have taught her that life never turns out like we expect. But if we’re patient, we learn that it’s better that way. To learn more about Jeanette and her crew, visit The Green Piece

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Jeanette Green

Jeanette Green is a mother to three beautiful children--two through the blessing of adoption. She is a firm believer that we never walk alone, the sun continues to shine even when we can’t feel its rays, and you can’t get sick from raw cookie dough. Various life experiences have taught her that life never turns out like we expect. But if we’re patient, we learn that it’s better that way. To learn more about Jeanette and her crew, visit The Green Piece

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