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Home > Of Our Child's Birth Mother > Eyes of Love Adoption

Eyes of Love

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I watch her eyes, her gaze.
Eyes of wonder, eyes of love.
A perfect stare burning me
With the warmth of her perfect love.

Was this the gift you left for me.
Eyes of innocence, eyes of love.
Your love reflected in her eyes of brown
Filling me up with happiness.

Was this your look upon me,
Eyes of devotion, eyes of love.
Are these your eyes, is this you
staring deep into my soul.

I long to see, I long to gaze into
Eyes of wonder, eyes of love.
Is my only window into your soul,
the eyes of my baby girl.

I hope to know that yours was
Eyes of compassion, eyes of love.
Not regret for what you have given me,
My life for my children, I give back love.

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