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Miracle Worker

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God put some people on earth and gave them hearts that easily break…
He put us in charge of his little ones and gave us unwavering faith…
That we would find these children homes in which the would find love…
To find them a family with a mom and dad who know they are a gift from above…
There is just one small problem God, these families all want children under two…
I just don’t know what to tell my teens that no one wants them when they are feeling blue…
I have parents that call me every day and ask is there have a found the baby for whom they long…
I hold a ten year old hands that all she wants is somewhere to belong…
They are all children, gifts from God, but some don’t have a home…
And While my heart breaks everyday for them I still go on…
For there are times when everything clicks, and a child finds his place…
And parents become a family when they open their hearts to any age and every race

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