There are more than 470 children in foster care in Monroe County, New York.  But this past week, 4 of those children legally became members of their forever families.

Monroe County offers a subsidy for most of the children in foster care even after adoption.  The money is paid to the adoptive parents until the child turns 21 years old.  The purpose of the subsidy is to help with any trauma the child may have experienced earlier in his/her life.  Adopted foster children also qualify for Medicaid.  Additionally, if there are physical or emotional handicaps, there is more help available.  With all of these possible subsidies, Monroe County hopes that potential adoptive parents’ financial concerns will be assuaged.

The adoption team in Monroe County are experienced in a wide range of skills.  Their goal is to help adoptive parents find any services they may need, thus creating a comfortable, loving environment for the entire family.