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The Calling

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I reached out to the secret path

not knowing when she would pass there.

Reached into the Mystas lighting candles, ringing chimes, shedding tears in melody.

Padding barefoot in wet sand,

near a child’s small footprints, I reached…

I reached for her the only ways I could:

in silence, with reverence,

Staying alive hopefully, that I may be here,

should she find need of me and come.

I never doubted she could, never having gone but in circles,

Chasing my heart, salving my soul,

Blinded by brilliance of life in me,

then choked in the dark…

Whoever came after somehow suffered my pain.

The whole world heard me blame.

What I know now is it mattered to her

that I ‘knew’ she ‘felt estranged’.

I reached out to the secret path,

the calling would ring clear.

The message being everlasting, “I am here…I am here…”

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