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The Gift

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A soft murmuring mouth
that nuzzled gently into
Sleepless nights
could gurgle contentment
or cry out in distress
And inexperience would
laugh or cry in wonder
at having to keep
safe and warm
her baby newly born.

The gift of life came with tiny fingers
and a heart so full of trust
And soon, the feisty toddler to “No!”
would stamp and shout
And scream a little heart out in
frustration and disgust.

From their new found world of
Words and feelings,
A little person begins
to emerge,
Who embraces life and love
In innocence
Well deserved.

Needs and wishes change and grow
Which a mother’s love does nurture,
but in such profound loving
begins to have to let go.
While looking in the mirror,
She sees time’s passage
defining her changing face
And wonders as many others do
“Did I really have a clue?”

Adolescence arrives with
bras and boys
And Pop star posters,
replacing toys.
The hugs have changed
With the look in her eyes
And I know, before long,
The schoolbag, the jokes
And the songs,
Will shadow the emptiness
Of her goodbyes,
When she leaves,
as a young woman
to a life of her own,
And one day perhaps
will whisper to a child of hers,
of a gift murmured softly,
Between Mothers alone.

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