6 Crafts to Send Your Child’s Birth Mother in an Open Adoption

Keeping in touch with your child’s birth mother can be as fun as you make it.

Shelley Skuster May 02, 2015

Our family likes to get creative. When making items to send to their birth families, we try to make it a  family activity. Sometimes this involves getting out the paintbrushes and glue. Other times it’s simpler with note cards.

Here are six crafts to send your child’s birth mother (all kid and birth mom-approved from our family!)

Footprint Art
1. Footprint Art

Show how your child is growing by painting his or her feet and incorporating their colorful footprints with a saying like “I LOVE YOU!”

Paper “Hug”
2. Paper “Hug”

Send your child’s birth mother a paper “hug” with your child’s handprints. Connect the handprints with paper measured to your child’s actual arm span.

Birth Mom Notes
3. Birth Mom Notes

Have friends and family write heartfelt notes to your child’s birth mother. If your child is old enough, include a note from him or her, too!

Tie the notecards together with a bow or enlist your child in helping design a creative album to put them in.

Photo Album
4. Photo Album

Make a photo album for your child’s birth mother. Include candid photos of your child and any milestones your child may have reached.

Animal Art
5. Animal Art

Does your child have a favorite animal? Incorporate his or her footprints or handprints into a favorite animal with a cute message to your child’s birth mother.

Matching Blankets
6. Matching Blankets

Can you sew or crochet? Perhaps your child is old enough to help. Make matching blankets and send one to your child’s birth mother.

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Shelley Skuster

Shelley is a former award-winning television journalist who traded in suit coats and red lipstick for a messy bun and yoga pants. She's a freelance writer who stays at home with her three daughters who are all ((gasp)) under the age of three and came to her via adoption and birth. She's the woman behind the blog Shelley Writes and she can also be found on facebook and twitter as ShelleySkuster.

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