“Adoption At The Movies” Book Available Now
You’ll save yourself many times over if you have Addison Cooper’s book in your home.
Addison Cooper began his career in social work over a decade ago. But it didn’t take a full decade for Addison and his wife to decide that they could do more to help foster and adoptive families. The two have a passion for helping children, and so it’s only reasonable that they would reach out to help families to that end.
Cooper is also a movie and book lover. So, combining his love of entertainment with his love for families, he decided a long time ago to write a book that would serve as a reference for foster and adoptive families. The process to produce a book of such value is long, and so while working on the book, Cooper decided to make his findings available to internet users. The result is his website, Adoption at the Movies. But now, at long last, Cooper’s book is available and certainly a must-have for families to make parenting more effective, more enjoyable and just plain fun.
More than a reference book (which, by the way, is so organized that my OCD heart can’t help but love it … more on that later) Adoption at the Movies provides some valuable insight into the parenting of foster and adopted children. Cooper delves into the value of communication within the family, removing silence and secrecy, opening the door for our children to share their sometimes-complicated emotions, and more details about the importance of open family relationships. He sets the stage nicely in the first few chapters of Adoption at the Movies … and then the real fun begins.
Let me tell you why you want Adoption at the Movies as your go-to-resource. The big reason: you’re not going to have to spend oodles of time searching for anything! If you’re an older family with teens in the house – just turn right to the “Movies to Watch With Your Teens” section, then peruse the movie titles in alphabetical order. Or if you’re a lover of Disney films, YEP! There’s a whole section dedicated just to those. Want to watch and discuss a movie with an undercurrent of a specific topic, like, say, self-acceptance? Flip to the back of the book and find a list of movies by topic. You get the idea. Adoption at the Movies is user-friendly. And each movie review is not only a synopsis of the movie, but it offers conversation-starters to get you going.
Bottom line, you’ll save yourself many times over if you have Addison Cooper’s book in your home. Pick up your copy right away and get started with the fun and fulfillment!