In the last two years, I have found discovered how inappropriate our language can be as a society, regarding adoption. I have set out to really help others learn the most loving terms surrounding adoption. I feel that too often our society writes off people as "sensitive" or trying to be "politically correct" when really, the terms are detracting from the value of humans. Whether they are adoptees, adoptive families, or birth families. I want so badly to encourage healthy and positive language.
But I am just one person.
I get most discouraged when I receive emails and am in conversation with adoptive parents or HOPEFUL adoptive parents and they themselves are using poor language. Language like "My mom wanted me to have my 'own' kids." And such.
I feel like anyone who is pursuing adoption or foster care should be forced to take an Adoption Language 101 Class. ( You know? Like it seems really important.
Our kids hear our words: we should be the first to correct our poor use of language.