Hi, I'm brand new to the site, and to all of this in general. We are in Michigan and recently found out that my nephew was placed into state custody in Arizona. We would like to foster him and even adopt him if my sister (his mother) is unable to complete what the courts require of her. She ended up voluntarily giving up custody of my older nephew and niece after about two years of trying before she had my newest nephew. They were adopted by another family there in Arizona who she has known her entire life, but that family is unable to take another child. I've expressed an interest with the proper authorities in Arizona and I've been in contact with a foster care agency near me, and it's been just about a month since my nephew was born and then put into a foster home in Arizona. The person I spoke with in Arizona gave me the impression that it wouldn't be likely that we could care for him because of our distance, saying that if he were here my sister wouldn't be able to visit him and that she is being given a chance to prove herself. She told me that we could begin the ICPC and start our foster care licensing (still haven't been able to start because Arizona has to send some sort of permission to Michigan first) and she took our information (I assume for background checks), but I feel that she is doing it more out of the obligation because we are relatives willing and able to care for him.
My question is, will knowing that my sister has a history of weak parenting (also unfortunately drugs and neglect in the previous cases, drugs so far in this case), in addition to the fact that we are willing and able relatives and that we have been actively reaching out and making contact weigh more heavily against our physical distance from the mother? There are no other relatives stepping forward and the alleged father is incarcerated, so I feel that the only thing stopping us from being this baby's home, temporary or forever if need be, is our distance. I haven't seen bunches of examples of out of state relative fostering or adoptions so I'm just hoping that it could possibly happen. If anyone is knowledgeable about this subject and could tell me if we might have some chance at fostering him, how long could any of this take? I feel like I'm just getting nothing from anyone I've been talking to and it's so frustrating. I just want my nephew safe and with family before he's bonded to the foster family and damaged by the move away from them, if we can even foster him in the first place.