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Hello - I am looking for some guidance on domestic adoption. My husband and I are of Indian origin and became permanent residents in 2021. We are looking into domestic adoption to grow our family. I s...
I cam across your post on June 30, 2007, in reference to your suggestion of contacting some adoption medicine doctors, specifically you stated, "I can PM you with some names if you need them. At le...
Hi Sharon,
Like many who have posted here, I am hoping you wouldn't mind providing some further information, as you seem very knowledgeable. I'm looking into Mongolian adoption for my master's thesis a...
Hello Sharon,
We reside in US and want to adopt a child from India and the biological parents are known to us as we believe in same faith. You have immense knowledge and I would humbly request you to s...
Hi Sharon
You seem very knowledgable on the adoption process and I wonder if I may consult you on my case.
I am South African and my husband is Chinese. We live in China and would like to adopt from an...
Hi, me and my wife are on Green card and we are planning to adopt a baby from family in India. Could some one tell the process to bring baby back to USA
Hello Charan,
I have some questions about a specific case and looking for specific answers and guidance. Thank you!
I am a US citizen currently residing in the US. I have a 13 year old sister, who is not a US...
Ok, you will need to get this done before she is 16, for her to benefit automatically from your citizenship to become a citizen rather that having to go through green card process. The fact she is here legally, should help you to be able to move forward with the adoption. Are your parents alive but ...
This link should give you a good overview of the forms needed and places to contact for any questions. You may also want to contact your country’s Consulate or Enbassy here in the US if there are things that are needed for your home country, but this should give you a starting place of allot of th...
Hi Sharon, we are looking for some insight on inter-country relative adoption from India..can you suggest agencies in US that we can work with...Thank you!
Hello, SAK 9645, I really appreciate the advice in the forums regarding the informational adoption. My husband and I are US citizens and would like to adopt our 5 years old niece who is Chinese citizen. Currently she is with us in US on B2 visa. My sister and her husband adopted an orphan infant ...
Hi Sak9645 <br />I notice you are very knowledgeable on the adoption process and I have a question I hope you can help me with. I am awaiting the final stage i600 approval and embassy interview so ...
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