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Foster Care License DENIED
I need to know too , I might know him.
Foster Care License DENIED
I recently completed the cl...
Foster Care License DENIED
A young man is old enough to make his own decision...
Foster Care License DENIED
I recently completed the classes and seve...
changing names of foster children
My kids were 12, 7 for the older2 and 8 and 6 for ...
changing names of foster children
I was adopted and the woman changed my name. I hav...
changing names of foster children
Thank you so much for everyones insights. It has b...
changing names of foster children
@spitzlvr - I DID THE SAME THING!!!! LOL No one bu...
changing names of foster children
Replying to the person who felt her adoptive paren...
changing names of foster children
I just thought I would pop and and give my opinion...
changing names of foster children
My husband and are going to adopt our infant foste...
changing names of foster children
We are foster/adoptive parents. We adopted four ye...
changing names of foster children
Have you decided on names yet? Is it possible to ...
changing names of foster children
I don't think I was being brash. I was just lettin...
changing names of foster children
hopefulmama, sometimes when people write on a post...
changing names of foster children
We will know next week if two children who we have...
DOB 1/11/70 Fam Serv Woodfield
Female DOB 1/11/70. Was adopted from Family Servic...
Competing Adoption
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum so forgive me if...
Roll Call for Ohio Foster/Adoptive Parents
Hi. We're just starting in our search and also ha...
Roll Call for Ohio Foster/Adoptive Parents
Hey Ohio parents,
I am living in Columbus now, l...