I am new to to this post. My husband was born in 1944 and adopted in Kansas City as an infant. He has no information other than his birth date and his adoptive parents names. He has had several health issues and we are trying to get any information that we can. Any advice/references would be greatly appreciated.
There were several orphanages in KC. That said, your husband, the court will not grant access to you, it has to be him, can request the non id information. It will cost about 50 bucks..that is what I paid in 2002. The document will give a physical description, education level etc of the bio parents and will tell if there were brothers or sisters etc. There will be no names given or addresses. They will also provide information on what is required for them to assign a CI to search..It is worth the effort if all other efforts have failed. I ended up hiring a PI as CC in KC could get no response from my biomother. After several months of trying the court ordered the search closed.
Good luck and feel free to ping me if you have questions.