i was born on 11/03/1979 at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. My birthmom kept me for three months and i spent 15 months in foster care. i have been told what had happened but do not want to embarress birhtmom over internet. i have a family now and just need some medical history and closure. i have heard stories that they change records and stuff like that so if anything sounds familiar please let me know.
I just wanted to offer you good luck on your search. I too am on a conquest for medical reasons. I am wanting to start a family and want to know more about ME. Good luck to you I hope you find out all you want and need to know.
Hello. I am searching for my half sister born on Feburary 20,1977. She was three months when my mother ave her up due to an illness (which can be hereditary). The adoption took place somewhere in the dallas metroplex. She is white and cherokee indian. Had strawberry blonde hair as a baby. Could this be you? I have a little more info if anything rings a bell.
Hello. I am searching for my half sister born on Feburary 20,1977. She was three months when my mother ave her up due to an illness (which can be hereditary). The adoption took place somewhere in the dallas metroplex. She is white and cherokee indian. Had strawberry blonde hair as a baby. Could this be you? I have a little more info if anything rings a bell.
Hello. I am searching for my half sister born on Feburary 20,1977. She was three months when my mother ave her up due to an illness (which can be hereditary). The adoption took place somewhere in the dallas metroplex. She is white and cherokee indian. Had strawberry blonde hair as a baby. Could this be you? I have a little more info if anything rings a bell.
Hello. I am searching for my half sister born on Feburary 20,1977. She was three months when my mother ave her up due to an illness (which can be hereditary). The adoption took place somewhere in the dallas metroplex. She is white and cherokee indian. Had strawberry blonde hair as a baby. Could this be you? I have a little more info if anything rings a bell.