I am a birth mom searching for my son. He was born October 12,1980. Catholic Social Services/Catholic Charities handled the adoption. Born at 1:23 p.m. in Racine at St. Lukes Hospital. Attending physician was Dr. Miller. My regular OB/GYN was on vacation (Dr.Gass). The papers were signed December 1st or 2nd, 1980. I think that is all the information I have. I am currently looking to find a way to get my hands on the original birth certificate. I've heard that that will match the ID # on the adoption certificate. Cath. Chatities, from what I understand, will change info on the certificate to protect the adoptee. The ID # they can't change. If there is anything in here that closely matches info that you might have, please, post a reply. We can sort out the details.
Wisconsin Mom