I am looking for anyone who thinks they maybe related to my father he has passed away 1975 and I have no records just what the family has heard. His adoted name was Frank Richard Allen he was born May 25 1947. And the family thinks he was born in York. The big question his last name they think it might have been Andrews. I have registered thru the adoption registery, call the agency that he could have been adopted from and I am now on the 2 year waiting list. Any help would be grateful
A two year waiting list? :eek:
That is unbelievable!
I would write your MLA a complaint letter regarding this.
They need to hear from more people regarding this problem.
If your dad died from what would be termed as hereditary, it might make the file go faster.
Until then, look for birthfamilies looking for an adoptee born in the year 1947. Quite often the birthfamily might not know the date he was born.
Here is some links to look around in.
Canadopt (one must be a member there to be a part of the newsgroup) [url][/url]
Registry.adoption [url][/url]
Birthfamily [url][/url]
Kindred pursuits [url][/url]
Together Again [url][/url]
(I don't know the name for this, will call it niwot adopt)[url][/url]
Rob Shaw (he charges you to post there)
Triad Canada (site has been down since early November 2003, they might be back up and running in the future)
Lost Angels
Canadian Adoptees Registry Inc.
Hope this helps !
Thank You I will start looking on these. I was beginning to get discourage to find any thing but sometimes you just need a note from kind people like you to get you back going again thanks again