Is it possible that my sister and brother do not know they are adopted? What can I do to further my search? I have registered in many places. I have been told they would have had to come over the border with green cards at first. If you don't have the adopted family surname how can you search in the US? It is my only other thought or option to find them.
hi flossie --i would like to hear from
Please refer to the 709-752-3306 Vicki Walsh is the Post Adoptive person for Newfoundland. Register and request your dad's records from her. If she can't help you, she will refer you to the person that can. You need those records to be able to find out where to start looking. Also if your dad is still alive, he needs to request his original birth certificate and all information regarding his mom. Let me know when you have this information. If you do, then let me know that as well. Good Luck in your search and who knows we may be speaking soon....... God Bless
I just found out the exact birthdate of my sister and it is October 16, 1954. I am still waiting on the information on my brother. They were both adopted together according to Social Services by an American Military Family in St. Johns Newfoundland. Does anyone know a family who served in the possibly the Air Force in 1954-1960? and came back with a total of four children? Please let me know. She will be 50 in October. My brother would be 48 in ??????
My Sister was born Sharon on October 16, 1954 at Grace Hospital in St Johns Newfoundland and My brother Tony was born 9/5/55 they were both adopted in August 1956 by the same USAF family who already had 2 girls. Can anyone help?