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Have you checked into any support groups or just local groups that have the same disability as you? I'm sure many of the members are parents and would have great advice for you on how to overcome the challenges of parenting. This might be something to look into before you adopt.
I don't think the transportation will be a huge issue but some things to think about will be how your child will get to school if they miss the bus or how you'll get them to various activities and appointments. As you said, you use the bus etc. but will you have a support system of family and friends that can help you out in a pinch? Local transportation is great and they won't frown upon that. After all, there are plenty of parents who do not own cars for whatever reason.
When you decide the time is right, I'm sure you will have all your ducks in a row, so to speak. And as far as the 70's go....our kids are subjected to the 60's Beatles influence. In fact they are watching "The Yellow Submarine" right now and loving it.