I'm not new to adoption, as I adopted my daughter from Romania in 1990. My sister also adopted from Romania in 1991.
FRom what I'm reading on these boards things are much different know than back than. We did not need referrals, court dates, dossiers etc.
Can someone explain to me what the process is nowadays.
Back when we did it we contacted the lawyer, a week later we met with a private homestudy person for 2 hours. He reviewed our fiancial records, took pics of house, neighborhood , spoke to people in our home, got references etc. Than 2 weeks later we went to his office and got the report. The report was sent with our fingerprint clearances to the Romanian Consult and we got our visas and passports. 7 months from the day we found our daughter she was home and it cost $7,000 total.
Like I said things appear different now. If anyone would be willing to share the adoption process of today, I'd be very grateful. Looking to adopt an older child.
I would contact an agency that handles Romanian adoptions. Many have closed their Romanian programs because adopting from Romania is VERY difficult if not impossible at this time.
Again contact an agency just to get info on the recent updates. For the last two years most adoptions from Romania have stopped.
I need help in order to contact a Romanian agency. I want to contact a child from Romania, a year or less older. I seek Romanian of foreign adoption agencies in order to get help.
Please answer privately at