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Thread: Haitian names?
Here are a few:
1.) Chant (pronounced Shan-teh) which means "to sing" in Kreyol.
2.) Ayida who is the spirit of love.
3.) Brigitte (brih-ZHEET) despite being the keeper of death, the name is quite popular and doesn't hold up to its orginal meaning.
4.) Fabiola...I don't know the meaning and I really doubt that the name is Haitian in orgin but my dad insists that I put it down.
5.) Ghislaine...I have no idea.
6.) Bijou (Bee-jou) which means jewel.
7.) Lourdes....I have no idea.
8.) Kiskeya (Kis-KEY-ah) which means "mother of all lands". This name goes back to the orginal inhabitants and ancestors of Haiti(ans), the Taino Indians.
9.) Anacaona who was a Taino Queen. The name means golden flower.
1.) Agwe (AGH-way) he is the spirit guide of the sea and belongs to the Haitian trinity.
2.) Azacca (ah-ZAH-kah) he is spirit guide of argiculture.
3.) Zac can also be used from Azacca.
4.) Hennrick which is basically the Haitian form of Henri (French) and Henry (American).
That's all I could think of for now...