There is a new website at [url][/url] that has pregnancy, parenting, and abortion information. (Adoption info is coming soon!) There is an interactive decision-making workbook, as well as a checklist that will assess your risk for having emotional difficulties following an abortion, and some helpful guidelines for selecting a safe abortion clinic if that is your choice.
The website was created out of a need to have all of the information, support, available resources, and advice compiled into one easy-to-navigate site - a site that does not play on emotions, try to sway the reader one way or the other, or rely on graphic images to drive the point across. Instead, CTLW realizes that every option is available, and the only way to truly be of help to women is to help them become equipped with all the relevant information so that they can make the choice that they can live with.
It is difficult to find the relevant information, and even more difficult to find information told truthfully without bias. Either the sites are too pro-life, showing graphic pictures and movies and using words that shamed women, or the sites are too pro-choice, glorifying abortion and touting parenting as the worst choice. There was a real need, and hopefully this site will be able to help you make a decision and follow through with it!
Thanks for reading!
[URL=]Choice to Live With[/URL]
You do realize that many women have emotional difficulties after adoption, too, right? Will there be a checklist for that as well?
Don't get me wrong, I think adoption is a beautiful decision (obviously, I'm a birthmom), but as you said, it's important to provide unbiased info.