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Where do I begin my story Hi my name is Laura. I am thirty five years old and recently decided to contact my biological father, a man I have known about all my life. I am not sure why or when he and my Mom decided that he would not be a part of my life. I was raised by my Mom and a wonderful Step Father whom she married when I was 4, who later adopted me at the age of 16.
I always had a sincere interest in contacting my biological father someday but was honestly afraid of rejection or hurting my Step Father, after all wasn't he (my Step Father) doing a good job raising me, giving me everything I wanted. I toyed with the idea of contacting my biological father year after year, until on my birthday this year at the age of 35 I knew it was time... I was finally ready. I didn't want to hurt my Step Father but realized this time, I was doing this for me and if my biological father rejected me I could deal with it I hoped. So I contacted him by phone which was a big shocker... you can imagine! I later followed up with a letter expressing my sincere desire to meet him. This started the beginning of our new relationship. There were so many mysteries about my biological father that truly intrigued my interest... What did he look like? Did I have siblings? Did we have similar personality traits? All of these questions flooded my mind. What was so surprising to meŅ I never realized how much I cared about a man I didn't even know. (He held me when I was a baby and was around for a few monthsthat is the only contact we had.) How could this be, I questioned myself and how I was feeling. Could I have a bond to a man that did not raise me?
In July of this year, I finally met him in person. If you can have love at first site with your father then letגs calls it that. He was so kind and wonderful, and guess what we look alike. (No DNA test necessary.) There was an instant connection. Something I have been told by others is rare. Our relationship has continued to develop slowly through lots of emails and several more visits. The relationship between he and I could not be better in my opinion. We have definitely bonded.
Now for the reason I am posting to this forum the complications in this situation, first, his wife. She is struggling with the news and development of this relationship. And yes, she did know of my existence when they married 30 years ago. Secondly, I have learned that I have two beautiful sisters (seen in photos), 22 and 24 that do not know of my existence. My biological father whom I now affectionately call "Pops" already, is afraid to tell them... what will they think of him? Will they be open to meeting their œnew sister? I keep telling myself to be patient and thankful for the relationship I have developed with him, after all wasnԒt that my goal. Is so, why does it hurt so much? Maybe its knowing that I am a secret, and that his wife still hasn't met me nor do my sisters have any clue they have a sister in AZ who would love to meet them. Remember I am 35, have a successful careerҗI want nothing materially from their family.
Does anyone have some insight or advice I could share with my Father to possibly help him and his wife? They are both great people I know this is tough but it doesnŒt have to be. I have uncles and cousins I would also love to meet. (His brothers know that I was conceived 35 years ago but they do not know we have been in contact. He hasnt told them eitherҗhe wants his children to know first.) I do understand this situation is not just about me. Perhaps I am being selfish. I just want to be a part of my Fathers life now that I have found him. I am tired of being a secret.