Lisa/Martha and all other Nutramigen users. Check eBay, was able to get some unopened, unexpired cans for $13-$14 each from other parents whose children transitioned b/f they used all their supply.
Oh, and if you do go, be sure to check typo listings "Nutramegen, Nutromigen, etc." Got 6 cans from one of these for $8 each - I was only bidder and got @ minimum price. Yeeha!
The only thing that worked with our son was putting him in his carseat with the hood up and throwing a dark colored blanket over it. NOTHING else worked. He was nursed, I changed my diet to baked chicken breasts with no spices, white rice(not even salt) and filtered water. Drops from the doctor helped a tiny bit. Swaddled, not swaddled, carried, laid down, Time-he out grew it by about 9 months. It all started after a so called "friend" took him for an afternoon so I could get some rest. I also read this resourceful article on whattoexpect, that was helpful in understanding what colic is.