I just wanted to pass along a successful search mode that I have finally found after a very long and exhausting time as an adoption triad member.
It has recently been found and proven (to my satisfaction, anyway) that when triad members born in the same hospital, maturnity home or even the same city GET TOGETHER and form a GROUP, that the sharing of all research pertaining to personal search and constant searching for OTHERS offers astounding results.
It also improves morale and creates a determination missing when you search alone. The comdraderie and friendships which are instantly created give the group a dynamic spirit and a better source for ideas as the days move along.
Free sites are available to groups on the internet. This has been VERY helpful and successful for me and all of the triad members who are in search for information on births from my particular Maturnity home.
Hang in - get active - use an improved brain and the drive of a crowd. I think you'll be as amazed as I am.