I'm looking for my Bmom. I was born on 6/15/77 in Wilmington, DE and raised in WV. I know my story and details like my Bmom's name (maiden & married). My bfamily (my b-aunt & b-uncle)had custody of me for about a month after my birth while my Bmom made a very hard decision. I also have a letter from my family explaining their decision and asking that I please understand I was not just thrown away. I would like them to know that I have had a wonderful life in a great family formed through adoption. My
A-sister was also adopted from another B-family and my A-brother is my parents biological son.
I have had many leads on my Bmom but every one falls through. Just want to meet her and say thank you for giving me a great opportunity to be loved and safe. I now have a child of my own and understand just how hard it must have been for her. I am told I look like my Bmom in most ways except for my eyes and that she and her family were wonderful people who really believed that adoption was the best choice for me.
If you have any info. I would appreciate a reply either by email or posting on this site.