i found out that i am 2 weeks pregnant. i work away from home and my parents dont know. i found out today that i might be having a miscarraige. i wasnt going to keep the baby anyway because i am 22 and a dancer and i know i wouldnt be able to give the life i wanted to. i just dont know how i feel about it. im scared that one day i am going to be in complet shock, its hard to have it sunk in right now and its all a bit too much for me. i do 10 1hr shows a week and i was wondering if i was having a miscarraige if i would be able to still dance during this period. if you have any advice it would be gratefully appreciated.
thank you
Im sorry sweetie.. I have had 3 myself.
As far as what to expect, it can take from a week to a month for physical recovery. Each person is unique as to what they experience. Each one of my miscarraiges has been different.
You can more or less experience a heavier period bleeding for about a week after the baby has been expelled. Your gyn will have to make sure that you have had a full miscarraige and can give you the go-ahead. Sometimes everything does not fully expell and you have to go through a D & C to remove what has remained.
You can have cramping and severe headaches for 2-4 days after miscarrying. the headaches are caused by the fast hormonal loss.
it is NOT safe to use tampons whatsoever during this time because of the high risk of infection due to the miscarriage. This is especially important you can really mess yourself up and make recovery all the more longer.
As far as can you dance? Well, your gyn can tell you that after examining you to make sure that you are healing and that you are recovering.
Good Luck
I am very sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I would really recommend you see a doctor about the miscarriage. The doctor will be able to answer your questions and make sure everything is all right. You can also ask the doctor about receiving some counseling in order to deal with all of this. I know you have long work days but you would be amazed at how just one session a week with a counselor can help. I hope things get better for you.