I check here periodically to see if there are any fellow Vermonters out there. Sadly, I rarely see any posting :(
If your just lurking, don't be shy, post something... anything...... It would be great to hear from other Vermonters from any member of the triad!
Hi, I read your earlier post about the Vermont adoption registry, and I was wondering how you have made out? When I found my mom I had to fight and go to court because there was no consent file and the adoption registry could not locate her. Don't be surprised if they cannot locate yours either, but do not give up because unless the laws have changed just recently the Judge can release her info without her consent.
Great to hear from another Vermonter :)
My ending is not so happy. My bmom was contacted, but can't consent to contact "at this time". She has a 94 yo mom who lives with her, who she feels could not handle this right now. She also has 2 daughters who do not know anything about me. She did ask a lot of questions of my CI about me and relayed that she wanted me to know that ever since the day I was born I have been on her mind and in her heart. My CI thinks that once her mom has passed away, things will be different, and she might be ready for contact. At least now she knows I am interested. Just have to wait and see.
I also just found out on 7/1 that my bdad passed away in March of this year. My CI is trying to contact one of his sisters right now..........
So did you find out who your bmom was? Are you going to try to locate her yourself?
I am a reunited bmom living in Vermont and also Regional Director of Concerned United Birthparents for New England. I searched and found my son in 1993 and since then I've been helping others search and providing any support I can for those in reunion. I'm happy to offer assistance to anyone searching in the lovely Green Mountain State.
I'm a vermonteer!!!! Of course I live in Virginia. But that's besides the point!
Good luck in your search!