sounds like you are doing your homework. :) We've adopted two children with prenatal exposure to poly substances. One was born addicted, as well as being exposed to about 6 known substances.
The outcomes for individual children varies because they are individuals. The level of exposure is different for each child, if the child is not placed in an appropriate environment after he is born the level of neglect after being born has an effect, all kinds of environmental issues come into play, etc.
Our son had developmental delays in all areas but made up most of these delays by about age 2 or 2 1/2. At age 4 he continues to have speech delays; whether this is due to his addiction and prenatal exposure is unknown. (It could be genetic, could be "just" his own developmental process, who knows.) He does (possibly) exhibit some signs of fetal alcohol exposure, but he is a bit young to tell if it is fetal alcohol or delays relating to speech...but I think he does show signs of FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder).
The long term prognosis for these kids is wide-open. Being flexible and ready to cross bridges as you get to them is really the only way to "be prepared". Being educated, watchful and nurturing as well, of course. :)
Feel free to PM me if you have any specifics you wish to talk about.