My mother relinquished a baby girl ( that would make her my half sister ) on April 01, 1965. If any of this info. matches yours please respond to this message my aol address is no longer active.
I was born in april 1965 (location unknown) in Canada. Apparently placed after that in foster care in the Montreal area and in a stable family in december of that year.
My name at birth was Kimberly Ann Richard.
If you have more information matching mine, please contact me.
Good luck in your search.
Dear suzannewoodward
I received non-identifying information from the adoption registry in toronto canada. Although they gave me little to no useful info. It mentioned that they was a physical charactoristic that my sister had that may have stayed with her thoughout her lifetime. The last entry in the log shortly after the adoption was finallized was that the adoptive mother had taken her to the doctor concerned about this charactoristic, but was assured by the doctor not to worry but it was something they would monitor.
I wish you the best of luck in your search, let me know if there is anything i can do to help.---Cyndi. :)
I was born in april 1965 (location unknown) in Canada. Apparently placed after that in foster care in the Montreal area and in a stable family in december of that year.
My name at birth was Kimberly Ann Richard.
If you have more information matching mine, please contact me.
Good luck in your search.
do you have a birth name or more information beside april 1965?
Thank you.
Hello Suzanne
I was going over old posts to see if there was anything I may have over looked and I noticed you mentioned being placed in a stable home in December. That does match my non-id info. Can you tell me something more about your aparents? Were they both of french descent? How about the types of jobs they had back then? Because if you are missing info. it may be easier if you gave me something MINOR (without sharing too much info.) about your aparents that I might have on the non-identifying information that the agency provided me with.
Again this is the info. I have
Kimberley Lee Johnston(e)
DOB April 01, 1965
@ Grace Hospital
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I don't know where the adoption was finalized. I have a feeling the baby was moved out of the area. The non-id I received did reveil some lies that were told to my mother at the time of the birth...which leads me to believe that something may have been changed in the records of the adoption file, the baby was placed for adoption later than promised. Best of luck in your search, please respond even if you think we are not a match just so I know you've read this Thanks again, Best wishes---Cyndi.