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I had five days to prepare for my daughter (and the idea of adoption) so when my good friend (also the kids Nurse Pract) asked if I wanted to bf, I laughted and said this is the first time I don't have to and I won't feel quilty because it would be near impossible to do. Hind sight being 20 20 I wished many times that I had took her seriously and tried. My daugther had a horrible time with formula for many months. I too was worried before she was born that if I had bf people would think I was insane. Once I realized I could have helped my daughter I didn't care what anyone would have thought. So I congratulated all you woman willing to give it a try. I can add that since my first two (bio) were bf and my adopted daughter wasn't that the bonding took a little longer. (OH I LOVED HER DEARLY) but she didn't bond (or need me) to fulfill her needs. Anyone could do it. Good luck to all who give it a try.