I've noticed that many photos that have been left uploaded have no description associated with them. When you are uploading a photo, take a moment and fill in the description section. At the very least put in the name of your blog.If it is your photo, give it a name least a description. i usually do this and still add following "2006 Guatemala Adoption Blog"If the photo is not yours, this is where it is imperative to put the (c) 2006 Joe User - Used with permissionThis little tag can get your readers taht much more involved with your blog. Some search engines will look at the alternate text that you've entered. When you hover over the picture it will display.It is a simple tool right at your fingertips...SWEET!
If you name your photos correctly, they come up in search engines like [url=]Google Image Search[/url] Search for adoptionblogs and you will see pictures from all of us. I search for ukraine adoption blog, I see alot of my photos. If your file name matches your description, google is much more likely to use it. For example.... ukraine_adopted_child_from_orphanage.jpgUkraine adopted child from orphanage