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Here in the United States, if you are wanting to adopt domestically, no agency can turn you away based on a mental or physical condition, if you have supporting evidence (a Dr.s note) that states you are able to care for a child and you have a normal life expectancy.
Things like this are covered under the ADA Җ Americans With Disabilities Act.
Make sure you speak with your Dr. Make sure youҒre following your Dr.s orders regarding medication, therapy or other treatment and also make sure youҒve discussed with your Dr. what youre hoping to do.
So, after all that, the short answer is YES! If you are hoping to adopt thru Domestic Infant Adoption or even Domestic Waiting Child (Foster Care) Җ you are covered by the ADA!
If you are hoping to adopt internationally, the answer will, of course, be different. Each country sets their own adoption guidelines and may or may not exclude you from adopting from their country.