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WOW! As foster parents we don't get anything close to that for our foster children. For the teen it is around $500.00 a month plus all medical/dental. For younger school age children it is $40.00 less a week...I get a combined check so I don't remember the exact breakdown. Once a 1/4 we get aprox. $200. clothing allowance for the teen and about 150 for the littler one. The social workers says we can be reimbursed for out of the ordinary items - but I've yet to see that happen! We pay for extra curriclar activities and all the expenses that go along with that. We even paid for a tutor for the teen as his testing shows him on a 2nd grade reading level. I submitted that bill - ONCE - never got reimbursed so I don't bother any more.
The subsiday could continue when adopted because they are special needs - for our state over 7 can be considered special needs (because they are harder to adopt out), plus being a sibling group (could be considered a special need). However, they won't get the clothing allowance at that time. They will be able to go to any state school (except mass medical school) for free if they are accepted into a state school. I believe the rule is that any child who spent more than 6 months in foster care as a child can apply for that. As for scholorships for other schools I haven't looked into that yet.
Applying for the sub. to continue after adoption, our income does not come into play according to the kids adoption social worker.
AMAZING how things differ from state to state.