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Thread: over 45
My husband is 59 and I am almost 58. We have a foster/adopt daughter with us, ordered to our home by a judge two months ago. We were no longer wanting to foster or adopt and we were retiring. We have moved into our smaller retirement place on the lake and now have a 15 year old. We have done this for many years now, but being in the now, we should not have taken her. We are doing the best we can as we believe God brought her to our home. We have accomplished much for her benefit getting her free from meds she should not have been on. (The last foster home over medicated her to get more money from the state) We are getting zero support since we are no longer a registered home, but a 'kinship' placement. She is a sweet girl, with few issues, but she does consider us old and has mentioned this often.
When you are older like we are, the family mix is changed quite a bit. Just make sure you realize bringing in a mixed group of young ones is bringing many new personalities into your home. Be prepared for surprises and issues cropping up right and left. It seems like such a wonderful thing to do and truly it is, but it will remake you and your husband into different people. Your relationship will be affected by so many new little ones.
Be vigilant and in prayer and roll with the changes.
I write this as we are just a bit older than you are and are in the midst of just having one added to our 'retirement'. Pray and make sure you are ready for these changes in your life as they will be positively affected by this new home if you are going in eyes open and the flexibility of a wet noodle!