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My daughter (3 1/2) had night terrors for about a month after having a severe ear infection. True night terrors are terrifying for the parents. The child does not remember them. But there is a concern the child might hurt themselves. MY ped diagnosed them then told me she would outgrow them, I went home and researched the internet. The fact is many people never outgrow them amd have them as adults. I could not realistically wake her every time, they happened every 2 hours all night long when they were at their worst. Here is what helped...I scooped her up ant the moment it started and put her feet in ice cold water in the sink. she screamed at first, then calmed down and was back asleep b the time I dried her feet. I have no idea why this works and she never remembered it in the morning. Playing soothing music helps also to keep them from happening. Every time she wimperes over night I wake in a panic that it may be happening again. Good luck, but DO try thr cold water, it works!