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Thread: Rad
I also have to disagree with lucyjoy. Rad is not all or nothing. It varies from day to day - from minute to minute - from situation to situation. It all depends on how the situation is making the child feel...and if the child is feeling something than that is most likely when the are going to act out.
Rad has a HUGE scale. While most foster children have attachment issues - all are not RAD. My fkids have been diagnosed with mild rad...and let me tell you by talking with other parents there is a HUGE difference from being mild rad to severly two kids are the two experiences are the same - so how they react can be so different. It also has a lot to do with the makeup and personality of the child and if they want to heal.
The sw are definately going to stay away from this topic - this I have learned from experience. Until I got the official diagnosis during the TPR trial - they all looked at me like I was crazy when I would tell them about something that happened. Now I get some respect - and it seems like all of a sudden they are very knowlegeable about just took somebody with initials after their name to say it instead of me. We are finally on the way to healing...easier said than done - and some strange things really can set this attachment process back a year - but we are struggling along and getting there.
The best advice I can give you is to read everything you can - go to the web site - follow your instincts and get a good Attachment therapist. Other types of therapy just tends to play into the children learning how to get better at maniuplation and triagulation. IT doesn't work...
Good luck!!