There were mixed reviews and I was wanting to get some more input. So, if any of you have viewed "Potty Power", did you think it was effective for the target audience? Namely, the toddler in the house? (NOT the parents...! LOL The parents seemed to like Potty Time with Elmo better.)
potty power was used by three families at our church preschool just this last summer. Two swore by it and the third little one is just being stubborn.... my dd was already p/t. We used "Bear in the big blue house", which was better to reinforce after the intialing training. But a very cute dvd.
We used Potty Power on H. It was our first video, but we;d been doing a ton of books and stuff before that. Something clicked though and H started to get it. She seemed to like the idea of having 'potty power' and being a big kid. She would watch it 5-6 times a day and she turns 3 in September. M watches it too and wants to sit on the potty now as well when he's in the bathroom. He's only 15mo so no real idea what potty power is yet, but I'm hoping this early exposure ends my seemingly life long diaper sentence early.