So Anglea got me inspired to finally go figure out the RSS thingy. [url=]Ukraine Adoption Blog - Ways to Pass the Time on the Internet[/url] I'm probably the last to get it, but boy is it great! I'm reading all the blogs on the feedreader, plus the other blogs I track, PLUS the comments on the blogs I"ve left comments on or am interested in! I don't have to go back now and refind a blog post to see if my comment was answered! It is very cool. (yea I know I know I'm the last to know) AND EASY! I downloaded a FREE READER [url=]Homepage | What is RSS Feedreader? | Feedreader - Totally Free RSS / ATOM Newsreader / Aggregator[/url] and then I don't even have to worry about RSS 4.0 or whatever, I just put in the actually website and the reader did the rest. I got the whole thing up and running in about 10 minutes. For Adoptionblogs, I just put in the top website, ( and it tells me when a new post has been put up, I can read the whole thing or just skim the first part or ignore it. But I could have only put in the sites from the blogs I read all the time. It keeps track of what has been read. I have mine sorted by time, so when a new comment hits, I can go read it as soon as I notice. It is so cool! Can you tell I'm excited? Thanks Angela! p.s. When you go read the whole blog entry, it takes you straight to the website just like the browser would with the links on the right and all the ads.... :) I hope I've inspired one person to go try it. I kept reading about it and thought it would be too complicated for me!