Happy Holidays everyone and we hope your season is a joyful one!
We do want to address an unfortunate side of what the holiday season can sometimes bring on our forums.
Unfortunately, we all know there are people out there who try to take advantage of peoples charitable actions during the holiday season. There are many people who will pose as a charitable organization or simply post a false sob story about their little boy having a terminal illness and ask for donations. We try very hard to catch these people and ask that if you see any posts like this, to please report the posts so we can get them addressed immediately.
So for that reason, we want to remind you that our rules on fundraising are limited strictly to organizations of 501c3 status. These are governmental designated non-profit organizations. Even if you are sure that an organization you are hoping to fundraise for fits the rules, ALL requests for ANY fundraising must be sent to an admin for approval. We must be sure that the organization adheres to our rules and appropriate for our site.
There is no personal fundraising or fundraising for another personҒs situation allowed at all.
We also want to remind you that if you receive any pms from people asking for donations and you donҒt know them, to please forward those pms to a moderator or admin. Sometimes people are wise enough not to post openly but will pm members.
And lastly҅we caution everyone on sending money to others in general. While we do develop friendships with people on here, we all know that sometimes there are trolls. There are many charitable organizations to help with all kinds of situations so it is often more wise to refer people to these organizations for help.
Thank you for your help and Happy Holidays!!
The Moderating Team