My mother tends to hear what she wants to hear, or twist things she has heard.
Example, how adoption process works, and since she has friends that have had failed situations, she can only go by bits and pieces that friends tell her, or folks in her community. She has not taken any formal classes, and I doubt older child adoption would of been any part of her talks with these friends, due to these folks are failed infant adoptions, international adoptions, or Foster parents.
So, When I mentioned about kids from other states, she told me I shouldn't get my hopes up, because PA won't let them in, and the courts will stop you from bringing them in. Parents have 6 months to change their minds...(that one lost me). The lists of my failures as a person let alone a parent as it is just goes on for days.
Never should of told her till we introduced her to her new adopted grand kids. One day she is helping make craft items to sell to raise money for our "plans" (raise the adoptin fee just incase, and buy new appliacnes LOL) The next day getting chewed up and down. Gets tiresome.
So... 1st off... We are NOT adopting a baby.... Not just no but OH HECK NO! lol
This is how I come to understand, in adoption from foster system.
If it takes 3 years for the adoption to hit the courts, any family member can come in that day and contest it, I believe the 6 month rule she is talking about applies to babies. Esp since foster children arn't there by parental choice, to be able to "change" their mind. *shakes head*
All her friends are failed to be approved foster parents, failed infant adoptions, failed international adoptions. To include and I feel so horribly bad for the woman. Lost 2 infants to parents changing their minds. they finally went international. They are having a HORRIBLE time with the adoption and court systems. Then last but not least a friend who's life is destroyed because of making the choice of job to be a foster parent.
NOT ONE story she can tell me that was "Older child adoption from the USA foster care system" PERIOD.
My BIG question is... does anyone know that PA is a pain to allow these kids in??? I swear she has to be talking about international not domestic. Doesn't even seem realistic, to be in Texas, come to pa, and get told to get out... and kids can't stay?? The more I questioned who/what are you talking about... the more confusing and less sense it all made.
I see no issue what so ever, the welfare crosses lines, not sure about the court system taking over for their home state etc... but Any input?? or comments on this?
Other question would be, if parental rights are terminated and the children have already been declaired wards of state, and free for adoption, does anyone know if it can still be contested.... I believe it is so, if it's 1 or 10 years.... any family member other then the parents signing away parental rights can walk in and contest it...
Glad I have so many questions, and I don't mean to be a forum hog, but I would like to see these forums MUCH MORE ACTIVE, so I am going to do my best to help make them so :)