My 4 year old DD is potty trained and lately has had a lot of accidents. Every morning she has woken up and has peed in her bed. Just now I went in there and she had changed her pants. Apparently she peed in those and changed so I would not find out. My question is, Is this normal for this age or is this something I need to have the doctor look at?
our DS went through the same thing around this time. We started waking him up in the night and putting him on the pot again. Also put him in pull-ups for a while so he wouldn't get upset about wetting. No reason for it to cause additional stress. Double check that there is nothing going on with her that she is upset or worried about. If it seems like she is just having accidents, I would make a very little deal about it, put her back in pull ups at night and encourage her to make an effort to go early in the morning (sometimes they have to go and they're just lazy about getting out of bed or still half asleep).
We also brought DS in to the doctor to be sure there was no infection as he had been dry for so long. You may want to double check with your pediatrican as well.
My 4yo DD was only out of pullups for a while at about 3, but she just wets too much at night to not wear them. She wakes up with a dry pull-up about 4 times a week. As far as I know, some kids just dont have the control at night that others do, and it is fairly common. We did recently go through a couple weeks of daytime wetting too, but I think that she wasnt trying to make it to the potty bc she had a pull-up on, anyway it is over now.