Hey, guys! I was adopted when I was two months. I'm 23 now. All my life, I wanted to be a writer. Several years ago, I found out that my biological father is/was a writer. So I guess that creative outlet came from him.
I haven't met my biological parents yet. But when I'm emotionally ready, I want to. I think maybe I'll be able to understand myself better and get an interesting story.
For now, I'm writing my heart out. Hopefully, if and when I meet my biological parents, I'll have a book published.
I've been making youtube videos with some of my writing.
Last update on November 9, 3:58 pm by megera39.
Hey Ladyrocker17 I would love to read what you're writing your heart out about. I recently searched for my birth parents, found them, and am now dealing with the shock, anger and a lot of other emotions that come along with opening this chapter in life. I'm a writer as well but I've found this challenge has blocked any desire to write. I'm looking for inspiration and other people who are dealing with similar issues as me.
Last update on November 9, 3:58 pm by megera39.