My husband and I are interested in a sibling group from the waiting child photolisting. We are AA and wonder how many of have gone on to adopt children from a diffrent culture or ethnicity? We have already adopted and are foster parents.
There are lots of us here who have adopted transracially. DH and I are CC, our daughter is AA. She is only 8 months old but so far we have only had a few negative reactions from people -- the vast majority have been positive.
Being AA as well, I never thought of adopting transracially since there are so many AA/biracial children who are looking to be adopted.
You often hear of white parents adopting transracially, but I don't hear of AA parents doing the same. Let us know how it goes.
I meant has anyone AA adopted interracially. (I think I have it right this time.) My husband and I are AA but, I am biracial also being hispanic. I do consider myself more so AA. We are interested in adopting a hispanic sibling group but, have not met anyone AA that has adopted a child that wasn't the same race/ethnicity/culture. We also have adopted and waiting to adopt again(our fs) AA children.
I'm CC and husband is AA and our adopted children are AA and biracial (black, Italian). But my husband has been an extra-ordinary step-father to my CC bio children and color just is not an issue. I do know AA families that have adopted CC children that they fostered and they are successful. I don't think race should be a factor if you are open to it. Children need strong families and they need to be aware of their culture. If you can give that to them, go for it. By the way, my husband and I are noticing many more interracial couples in our area where the woman is AA and the man is CC. The "times they are a-changin')". Best wishes on your search for a sib group. Will be praying for you.
I meant has anyone AA adopted interracially. (I think I have it right this time.) My husband and I are AA but, I am biracial also being hispanic. I do consider myself more so AA. We are interested in adopting a hispanic sibling group but, have not met anyone AA that has adopted a child that wasn't the same race/ethnicity/culture. We also have adopted and waiting to adopt again(our fs) AA children.
Well "technically" I will be adopting interacially...My boys are biracial..and although they are tan, they have some very distinguishing "CC features" especially their hair..My youngest son has straight hair.
People never think that they are my children because we look absolutely nothing being a very darkskinned AA and them being very light skinned.
As a matter of fact i got asked the other day by a complete stranger in the park: Is that your baby? (Referring to my 1 y/o) The lady was first asking me how old he was and I told her and the she kind of stammered out : Is that your baby? I boldly said yes...She looked backed at me and was ok (like yeah right)
But my first foster child was full CC and people OFTEN assumed he was my bio son....Go figure!
I am open to ALL races and in the future after I can't foster anymore due to having too many children (they only allow 5 when you foster) I plan to adopt from Haiti, India and/or Vietnam as well......
i know LOTs of AA who have adopted outside of their race ..If you like I can PM you some Yahoo Groups where we all hang out
I met an AA woman whose husband is also AA. They are adopting a Mexican little girl. They fostered her from the time she was an infant and decided to adopt her. They also have a bio son. Originally they wanted to adopt an AA girl but this opportunity came up and they are ecstatic about their baby girl.