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One of the biggest mistakes I've made in parenting is NOT calling the police when a child does something illegal. I always want to be the good mommy and deal with it myself. That was a big mistake. When my adoptive son was six yrs old (now 10 yrs old) he was hitting and kicking me, and I was advised to call the police. I had a letter from his therapist stating the he was RAD and that RAD kids often make false allegations of abuse. With this in hand, I called the police and told them what was going on and asked them if they had an officer who was knowledgeable in the games that RAD kids play. They sent a wonderful man named Officer Black, who's name still brings a look of respect and surrender to my son's face. Officer Black was wonderful in deed... walking in to my son's bedroom a towering six feet of authority and in a booming voice asked him, "What's going on here son?" He told my son what the law was regarding violence, as well as what a great Mom he thought I was, and that he would not tolerate my being physically abused for as long as he was on the force. My son believed him and it ended that problem. He finds other ways of lashing out, but no more physical violence. I also told him that if he ever hurts my dog or cat, I will call the police again, as it is illegal... and I will.