[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Isabella has been on Enfamil Soy since she was three months old. Her old pediatrician in Mexico said that eventually I should see if she can handle regular milk. Has anybody had any experience transitioning their child to cows milk?
Our little girl didn't do well on regular milk until she was almost 2. We were on Nutramagen until she was 1. I put her on whole organic whole milk during the day and lactose whole milk at night for about 8 months. Now we are on organic whole milk all the time. Night time seemed to upset her stomach with regular whole milk for some reason.
Both sons were on soy formula from before they were placed with us. When #1 went to whole milk on his first birthday, there were no issues. He didn't even seem to notice!
#2 transitioned at the same time. Although we did not make the connection until months later, he developed a chronic ear infection round the same time. It seemed like he had a constant cold: all congested, not sleeping, irritable. Someone mentioned to me that he might have a dairy allergy. I brought it up to the doctor at his 18 month check up and she said to put him on soy milk and eliminate other dairy from his diet. It was like a miracle, Susan! The congestion and the ear infection cleared almost immediately. He's like a new man!
I just wanted to share my experience with both ends of the spectrum. Good luck.
We've had two kids who couldn't tolerate certain foods. While they have both been able to tolerate dairy, what we've found is that when they CAN'T tolerate a food we can usually tell pretty quickly. One child develops nasty diarrhea (extremely liquid stools), awful diaper rashes, general crankiness...well, really EXTREME crankiness exhibited by anger, hitting, throwing things, and screaming, plus he wakes several times through the night, etc. Not fun for anyone.The other son would get a rash on his skin anywhere he touched foods that he couldn't tolerate. Hands and face being the most obvious places, but if he dropped something down his shirt then he'd get a rash on his tummy, or legs, wherever the food touched his skin. Internally he would get tummy aches, nasty diarrhea, then HORRIBLE diaper rashes. He would have a bleeding rash within minutes of having a poopy diaper. We became super hyper vigilant about what he ate!As Donna posted above, there can be allergic types of reactions with the chronic ear/throat/phlegm stuff. Or there can be constant diarrhea, super irritability, rashes, and noticable (fairly drastic) behavioral changes. If you keep a little food/activity journal for a couple of weeks when you make any dietary switch you can look back and see if there was any changes in behaviors or health. In the diary note down all food eaten, times of day, activities and anything unusual such as visits from out of town guests, or mom or dad being gone more than normal, or other changes in the normal routine. This gives you a concrete picture of what's been going on and if there are any changes, and can provide clues as to what might be behind the changes.My Ds(9) just went off of soy and onto cow because we ran out. Dh and I thought we might just take the opportunity to give him cow milk again and see if there were any changes. I didn't journal (of course not...that would have been logical and helpful :rolleyes:) so can't be sure if there were other triggers, but we did notice a marked change in his ability to concentrate and to deal with frustration. He has other issues having to do with neglect and drugs but we also feel that diet plays a part, so it was interesting to note that we can still see a difference between soy and cow. Oh, and we're back on soy again. :D
My youngest was on Allamentum (sp?) formula from 5 months until she was a year old. It was a non-dairy and non-soy formula. She took a little while to transition to cow milk, most likely because the taste was so completely different. I tried mixing some milk in with the formula - didn't work. I tried straight cows milk - didn't work. My dad suggested flavoring the milk, so I added some strawberry flavored milk to whole milk and within a couple of weeks, she was drinking plain cows milk. Just some thoughts on transitioning to cows milk. Gook luck!
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Well, we had an unexpected and pleasant surprise this morning.
As I was drinking my milk, Isabella walked over and asked to try it. So... I gave her a sip... and... she liked it... so I gave her another sip... she liked !! alot!!
But, my only concern is that it's skim milk. I read that babies, toddlers should drink whole milk because they need the fat for growth. I'm also planning on having her try whole milk (w/ no growth hormones) and I hope we have good luck with that too.