For those who had or know of "late walkers", how late was late? :clown: DD is 15 months and is nowhere near walking. She's been thoroughly evaluated and there's nothing wrong. We've been in Occupational Therapy since she was 10 months and not crawling. She scoots on her bottom, and is making progress in the pulling-up-to-stand department. I'm just curious what the late end of late is. I suspect we might be headed there. :p
Late walker... I suppose so since DD is 15 months and not walking either. :) DD was actually just past 1 year before she started crawling. She did the scoot thing, too, which we were told was actually a form of crawling. It was somewhere in the 13-14 month range she figured out pulling up, and only about two weeks ago that she would walk with a walk-behind (one of those toys they push as they walk behind it). At about that time she started letting us 'walk' her with one hand and she'd do okay. DD has been cruising the furniture for probably about a month now and we actually think she's close to 'letting go' and taking that first step unassisted. I don't have any 'professional' advice since I definately suscribe to the family of believers that think she'll do it in her own time and will be walking before kindergarten. Our ped did say as long as she is moving around (scooting counts!) and seems to be 'growing' in her development, there really isn't much to worry about. And, my nephew was about 16 months when he took the plunge to walking... we think he figured why bother because everyone else would carry him. :)
Castle never crawled, she also scooted on her bottom pulling with her heels. She started pulling up one week and the next she just started letting go and running. She was 18 1/2 months before she started doing this but the doctors assured us nothing was wrong all along. Castle has been late doing everything so I wouldn't worry too much, pretty soon you'll be wishing she'd sit down and play awhile!
My oldest didn't take a step until she was 15months old, and I thought it was perfect. My next walked right around her 1st birthday. Still perfect, although I remember thinking how "early" she walked (haha) and my youngest didn't walk until right before her 2nd birthday. I took her to the doctor, tried everything available, and everyone said she was fine. She finally started walking right before she turned 2 and now I can't keep up! As long as the doc and specialists believe they're fine, I wouldn't put too much weight on the "average" timelines. Every child is different and if you avoid "comparing" them to the "average", it will be just as exciting to see them walking at 2 as it is at 1. :)