We have just switched out daughter from formula to milk (1 yr old)
She does not care for it at all. She does eat milk products such as yogart and chees and loves them.
Any ideas or thoughts?
When we switched our dd and she did not like it al all our ped suggested that we add a little flavoring to the milk. We used strawberry and slowing weaned her from that and now she drinks plain milk with out any complaints.
It took H a few days to get used to the taste, but I switched him from bottles to sippy cups at the same time---I thought maybe he would do better if we switched containers at the same time as the beverage. That way he wouldn't be expecting the taste of formula to come from a bottle and be irritated that it was milk instead.
I may have overthought this a little, but in the end, I think it worked----now he is a milk fiend.
My daughter loves drinkable yogurt, so I put that in her sippy cup and added some milk. I kept adding more milk and less yogurt. Now she will drink plain milk.
I tried really hard to switch Natalie to milk when she turned 1, but she never took it. I even tried vanilla milk and chocolate milk but that didn't work either. We ended up switching her to toddler formula instead. She's still on it and still won't touch milk. I plan to keep using it until she is 2 years old and then just add extra dairy to her diet. She loves yogurt but is not a big fan of cheese at this time.
DD switched without much fuss... but our ped recommended doing a half & half kinda thing. When we started the switch DD was drinking, typically, a 6 oz. bottle. So, for a few days we would use 4 oz formula & 2 oz milk. Then we went to 3 oz formula & 3 oz milk for a few days. Finally, we did 2 oz formula & 4 oz milk for a few days. So, when we gave her straight milk she didn't seem fazed. My guess would be the taste changed gradually from what she was used to to the new taste instead of a cold-turkey kinda thing.
Thanks everyone. I think I'm going to try a little flavoring and I like the idea of the drinkable yogart.
I think we are going to keep her off the bottle since she doesn't seem to be missing it very much. She only had it before naps and when she woke up. Otherwise she would drink water out of her sippy cup.
Our DD switched no problem, but I have heard a number of people say that they had success with the mixing formula and milk and gradually tapering off on the formula. Good luck!
We have just switched out daughter from formula to milk (1 yr old)
She does not care for it at all. She does eat milk products such as yogart and chees and loves them.
Any ideas or thoughts?
We switched our kids gradually, adding an oz at a time to their formula every 2-3 days. We didn't have a problem with it doing it this way.
We did the taper down the formula/add more milk combo for a few weeks, and M had no problem with it. We switched to a sippy at the same time as well. She continued to take the sippy as a "ba" (cuddle time) for a long time after that first thing in the morning, which was just fine with me!
I have a friend who did the drinkable yogurt/milk combo and that worked well also!
good luck!!