For those with boys, are you teaching them to sit or stand to pee? We've had a few relatively successful pee encounters on the potty, with warning in advance now, so I'm viewing that as a good sign.
However, he's done them all seated, holding his equipment down, which is not exactly foolproof, as he thinks the pee is hilariously funny and once it begins to spray out or get on his hands, he starts laughing hysterically, lets go, and...well, you get the idea.
Should I be teaching him to go standing up? (Or, more accurately, should dh be doing so, as I personally have no experience?)
I am currently tackling the potty training with my son. Being a single mom and a girl.........I have been teaching my son to pee sitting down. Besides, as little as he is, it just seems so complicated to try to teach him to shoot and aim (so to speak.) I have also heard and think it's a good idea that the standing up portion of the potty training is something to learn from dad, if possible or another trusted male in the family. As they, like you have said, have the experience.
I taught my two oldest boys to pee sitting down. I am grateful that we did this. :D It did eliminate the spray all over - for a time. We also didn't have to fuss with finding the right height of stool so that they could get their little Dinky Doodle over the side of the toilet bowl, and yet not be so high up that they squirted the tank and the wall behind the toilet.
I would have them sit and remind them to, "Point IT (whatever name you use) down into the toilet." After they were a little older and had better dexterity, familiarity, and control, Dh taught them to stand while using public bathroom urinals. They both stand, with only minimal splash/dribbles. Usually. :evilgrin:
We taught our oldest son to pee sitting down and then when he got older he began to question the pocket in his underwear and how daddy stands. So daddy taught that part of it. Now our youngest we are stuggling with potty training in general. He did start out sitting but realized that big brother and daddy stand. So we now must stand and lets just say I must clean every day. But he is getting better with his
Wishing you all great success on the potty training of your little boys.
We've been sitting thus far. I occasionally get minor spray on my foot if I'm not paying attention myself, lol, but it's been somewhat successful. He's learning the cue right before he goes to make sure it's pointing downward. Again, not foolproof but I'm not sure anything is! :)
Best of luck!
I started my oldest son sitting and he himself decided to stand. The problem, he didn't stand just for pee at first! :eek:
My youngest is very, very tall and can stand and go fine. Sometimes we have spray...but such is the way of life with boys.
Do you have a seat for the big potty? I have one with a bump in the front that keeps him from spraying everywhere.
H is way too small to use the big toilets---he's not very tall---so we have a potty chair. It did have a guard, but we weren't using it because I'd read in one of my parenting mags that it was too easy for them to get "caught" and traumatized about the potty. Now, I couldn't use it even if I wanted to. It went the way of MANY, MANY binkies in our household. The dogs ate it. :)
When I trained my oldest son..I sat him on the big potty BACKWARDS (facing the back of the toilet). That way, he could climb up on the potty by himself and if the spray did get away from him, it didn't hit the walls/floors/ect. It worked out great!
I'm now starting to train my 3.5yr old son, and it's not going as smoothly. I'm using a little potty chair, but soon, i'm going to TRY moving backwards on the big potty and see if that works better.
Good luck...potty training can be fun...huh??? LOL
Pffft. I THOUGHT potty training would be easier the 4th and 5th time around. :rolleyes: (I thought PARENTING, in general, would be easier...!) The only constant seems to be that each child is an individual and learns, processes and proceeds on their own schedule in their own little way. LOL
Two tricks for teaching the correct aim:
- put 2 or three cheerios into the toilet bowl for target practice.
- put a sticker in a strategic spot in the toilet bowl as a focus point.
My older son's potty training was done in May, so the weather was warm. On the weekend and in the evenings I'd let him play in the garden, without a diaper on. He learned by 'watering the grass', as well as (ahem) 'fertilizing'.
My little one is starting to be aware of the diaper and lets us know when he wants it changed. I don't see him as ready for potty training yet, he turned 2 in July, so he's still quite young.