Hi. This is my first time posting on this site. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by sharing this. Since adopting my son in February, I have been obsessed with scrapbooking. However, he was 7 weeks old when he came home and back then, he wasn't using his opposable thumbs like he his now at 8 months.
So I have discovered the much cleaner (and cheaper) world of digital scrapbooking. I have joined a site called and I LOVE it. You can make your own page and meet people and upload your scrapbook pages. People on the site can give you points and comments. (Completey free!)
(I DO have a point, I promise.) The site has a challenges section where anyone can host a challenge. I noticed there weren't any categories for adoption so I started my own challenge. There are 14 scrapbooks entered right now. The challenge ends tomorrow, but I can host another one of the same category. I would like to see more pages on there. I also thought it would be a great way for those hoping to adopt to receive comments on scrapbooks they are making for prospective pregnant women to sort through.
So if anyone is interested, my screen name on there is carinmomma just like on here.