I don't know how "average" ours was. Our paperwork got lost in the mail for a week, and also our doctor took forever getting our medical forms back. We also had some delays in getting the home visit set up. But I know some people have delays with fingerprints, or other things that we didn't, so I suspect it all kind of averages out.
We started March 31, 2006 and our homestudy was officially approved July 7, 2006. So that's 3 months a bit more, if my math is right. Our agency said they averaged more like 2 months if everything went well and there weren't many delays.
That's how long it took us from application to the last thumbs up from the agency director. All that's left is to write the check.
Ours took longer mostly because it took ages to complete the questionnaire and autobiography that we had to do.
We started with the agency July 9th. Started Home Study July 19th and everything will be approved Sept. 27th, so we're well on our way. Our agency told us depending on the program, domestic or international. Minority or Caucasion, it could take between 2-4months.
I think that 3 mos. is an average. Some can be done more quickly, depending on the agency's commitment to do so and the family's commitment to getting their paperwork done in a timely fashion. A private agency will get a homestudy done much more quickly than your children's services agency would.